Friday, January 6, 2012


Giant China porcelain vases - Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives.

Writer Gary Jennings said this: "Love and time, those are the only
two things in all the world and all of life, that cannot be bought,
but only spent."

I love that. And HOW I spend my love and time is what it is all

My work and interests require me to spend probably an inordinate
amount of time in front of my computer. At least according to my
wife Bev.

She and I were talking one day about death and funerals and what to
do with each other's remains. I asked. "What will you do with my
body? Burial? Cremation?"

She answered, "I think I'll just have you stuffed and propped up in
your chair by the computer. That way when I walk through the room I
won't even notice that you're gone."

I got the point - too much computer time. And how I spend my time
and my love is all important.

The question I ask myself is this: "Do I generously and freely give
love and time away - and especially to those closest to me?"

Charles Francis Adams was the United States ambassador to Great
Britain during the Lincoln administration. He had the habit of
keeping a daily diary. He also taught his son Brooks the value of
journaling his activities in a diary.

One memorable day, eight-year-old Brooks recorded, "Went fishing
with my father, the most glorious day of my life." It must have been
a glorious day, for the next forty years Brooks repeatedly mentioned
it in his diary. It became a life-long memory.

His father also wrote about the fishing trip. His own diary on that
pivotal day for his son reads, "Went fishing with my son; a day

He didn't get it. That one single day he generously and freely gave
love and time away to Brooks may have been the one of the most
important days of his son's life. Did he feel that, as a United
States ambassador, his time was too valuable to be "wasted" with his
children? History seems to show that a fishing trip with his son
paid huge dividends in Brooks' life.

I only hope I will spend love and time so well.

From Lifesupport

Lifesigns Life Quotes

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