An empty stage - “If life is just a stage, then we are all running around ad-libbing, with absolutely no clue what the plot is. Maybe that's why we don't know whether it's a comedy or tragedy.”Many people complain that their memory is not what it used to be. But memory can be a powerful tool for spiritual and emotional rejuvenation!
I once attended an conference at a retreat center in the Rocky Mountains. We were given a long break one afternoon to relax and rejuvenate our spirits. Many of the attendees decided to play golf and asked if I wanted to come along.
Golf does not rejuvenate my spirit. I've LOST more religion on the golf course than I can remember! I feel a bit like Bob Hope who said that if you watch a sport, it's fun; if you play a sport, it's recreation; and if you work at a sport, it's golf." I decided to do something more relaxing, so I went for a walk.
A little way down a secluded, dirt road, I spotted horses in a corral. I carefully approached, so as not to frighten them. Then I inhaled as deeply as I could. With the smell of the horses and the corral came a flood of memories.
I visited my grandparents' guest ranch every summer as a child. When I was a teenager, I worked on the ranch. Some of my happiest memories growing up were around horses and horse smells.
Inhaling horse smells, I recalled hot afternoons of pulling saddles and blankets off perspiring horses then brushing down their backs. The pungent smell of horse sweat filled my mind.
I recalled the soft touch of a horse's nose sniffing my hand for sugar, and the warmth of a horse's neck as I put my arms around it and hugged it close.
Manure smells brought back memories of hours spent in corrals saddling, bridling and working with horses. Again, I inhaled deeply.
I recalled
rising before dawn and riding in the crisp, early morning air searching along hills and valleys for horses let out the previous evening to range free of fences.
I remembered afternoon naps under a ponderosa pine tree, my hat pulled down over my face, listening to the sounds of buzzing flies and swishing horse tails.
As I breathed in the smells, my mind enjoyed ancient memories of day long horseback rides, valley vistas of soft, green grass...brown later in the summer, pristine mountains and clear, shallow mountain creeks running beside horse trails carved in red earth.
I remembered, too, how it felt to be young with my whole life ahead. I felt again the sense of adventure and excitement of those heady, teen years. Not that I'd ever want to go back and relive them -- but maybe visit occasionally in my mind. I remembered ... and felt renewed.
Later in the day we shared how we spent our afternoon. Many people in our group boasted of golf scores. Some talked about walking or hiking. When it was my turn, I said that I had an extraordinary time. "I smelled the horses."
What do you find yourself remembering? Do you often recall times that you would rather forget? Or do you dwell on those memories that bring you joy and inner peace? When you think of the past, is it with regret or with pleasure? What do you remember most: painful times or happy occasions?
Your thoughts can sap your emotions or they can flood your mind with strength-giving energy. Your good memories can rejuvenate your spirit with new life. They can be a solace during difficult times and a source of joy anytime you choose to visit.
Some memories are best forgotten; others may need time to heal. But good memories are like a treasure nobody can steal.
Keep them close. Visit them often. Enjoy.
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