Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Carbon footprint seems to be the buzzword these days. Our local city council has recently made a ruling that the local retail setups do away with giving out free plastic bags on certain days. Not long after, most supermarkets in town started selling their own green grocery bags to cash in on the opportunity.

My work colleague approached me the other day with the idea of selling more durable shopping bags, as the ones carried by the local supermarkets leave much to be desired. He wanted to sell these bags online and hadn't a clue about web hosting. I'm not entirely familiar with web site hosting myself, and I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of sites online offering budget web hosting. I simply did not know where to start.

My cousin asked me to check out the Web Hosting 101 section by Web Hosting Geeks. True to her claim, the site was very helpful! They feature web hosting ratings so that you can decide on the best dedicated web hosting service which caters to your needs. I told my colleague about the best ecommerce web hosting there and he quickly jumped on the bandwagon. I hope his site will be fully functional soon.

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