Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Mixed rice for lunch - “Thoughts mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire are powerful things.”

It's said, "If at first you don't succeed, give up; failure may be your thing."

I love the humor, but I don't believe the sen­timent for a moment! Everyone fails. And some­times in a big way! But it's also true that courage, persistence, faith, and self-confidence can build a mansion on the rubble left by our greatest failures.

You don't have to follow American foot­ball to appreciate that, in 1955, Johnny Unitas failed his first qualifying test to play football with the Pitts­burgh Steelers. Once on the team, he fumbled three times during his first regular-season game as quar­terback. Each of those fumbles, as well as an inter­ception he threw that game, re­sulted in a touchdown for the other team. But just fifteen years later, in the 1970 commemora­tion of the fif­tieth anniversary of the National Football League, Johnny Unitas was selected as the greatest quar­terback of all time, and the same year the As­soci­ated Press named him the outstanding profes­sional football player of the dec­ade.

What happened? He didn't give in to fail­ure. He made a decision to move on after each defeat. After all, every disappointment presents us with two options: to move on or to quit. And how you decide, in the long run, means everything.

From Lifesupport.

Lifesigns Life Quotes


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